(661) 877-4610 commissioner@ayso678.org

Safe Haven for Referees

Last Updated: Dec 27, 2018

Referee Safe Haven training is now available online. In order to gain access to the online training site you will need to be a currently registered volunteer and you’ll need to know your AYSO ID number. If you can’t recall your AYSO ID number, please email the Region’s CVPA at cv**@ay*****.org. In your email, please include the following information:

Full name
Complete address
Phone number
Email address you used to register on Blue Sombrero

If you have not yet submitted a Volunteer application, you may begin the process by completing an application using AYSO’s Blue Sombrero service at: https:ayso.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=807824.  Create a New Account and follow the instructions on the subsequent pages to become an AYSO Volunteer. The system will also provide you the ability to create a profile consisting of your email and password. When you’ve completed the online Volunteer application, print a copy, sign it and contact the CVPA who can then provide your AYSO ID number.

When you are ready, click here to begin the online Referee Safe Haven training. The training site will open in a new window.