Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Your registration fees include a uniform (socks, shorts and jersey) and the standard picture package. The rest of your registration fees help to pay for park usage, field upkeep and maintenance, insurance, etc. Your fees do NOT pay salaries – we are all volunteers who are here for the kids.
There are many volunteer opportunities within AYSO 678. We are a Non-Profit all Volunteer Organization. That means that not even the Regional Commissioner or any Board of Director Members get paid. Below are a few ways that you can help out.
- Become a Head or Assistant Coach- We provide free training and equipment to help you be totally prepared for the season
- Become a Referee- We will provide free training to help you become certified
- Become a Team Parent- Every team needs a GREAT Team Parent
- Join the Board of Directors- There are still plenty of spots available
For more information about these opportunities or any others, please email co**********@ay*****.org.
Shin Guards- These are mandatory for both practices and games
Soccer Cleats- These cleats may not have a toe cleat or metal spikes. Essentially baseball/softball cleats may not be worn unless the toe cleat has been removed
Soccer Ball for Practices- 5U through 8U (Size 3 Ball), 10U through 12U (Size 4 Ball), 14U through 19U (Size 5 Ball)
Water- Please ensure that your child always has water at practices and games
Practices cannot start before August 1st due to AYSO Insurance coverage rules. You’ll be notified by the Coach of your team’s practice schedule sometime in early to mid August. Please keep in mind that our Coaches are volunteers and may have vacations scheduled before school begins. It is common for coaches to wait until August 16th or later to begin practices, so some teams did not begin practice until that week. Please don’t worry if that happens to your child’s team. We promise you that they will not be behind the curve when the season begins.
Practice sessions will be anywhere between 30 and 90 minutes, 1-2 times a week, depending on the age group. Practice schedules are selected by the coach. Do you want to pick the time and place for practice? Sign up to help out as a coach! The coaches will call some time after August 1st for a parent meeting and to share specific information for your team.
Opening night for the Fall 2021 season is Friday, September 10th for some teams 14U teams. All other teams will have their first match on Saturday, September 11th.
Soccer is a team sport. The other children on the team need to be able to count on your child. Please have your child attend each scheduled practice and game. Please have the courtesy to notify your coach in advance if your child will be absent. There is a policy in place covering Adequate Participation of players and what type of outcome can occur if a player misses a significant amount of practices or games.
There are year round opportunities to play soccer in a competitive level for age groups 10U thru 19U. The Region offers Tournament Teams that will travel to local Tournaments to play outside Regions in a competitive atmosphere. If you are looking to advance your child in skills and team play, tournament is for you.
The Fall 2021 Season will run from early September to Mid-November and should be completed around Thanksgiving. The exact length is not known until we determine the number of teams in each division. The Region’s goal is to provide a minimum of 10 matches per season.
For 10U through 14U teams, there is a chance that your season could run all the way through February 2022. If you advance out of our own Region 678 playoffs in November, you will quality for Area Playoffs in January which takes place here in Santa Clarita, CA. Should your team advance out of those playoffs, then you would qualify for Section Playoffs in February which takes place in Bakersfield. The same format holds true if your child is chosen to play on one of our Regional All Star Teams.
5U-6U-7U- Games are played at Peachland Elementary School
8U-10U-12U- Games are played at Placerita Junior High
14U- Most games are played at Central Park or Heritage Park with some games being held at Placerita Junior High
16U-19U- Most games will be played at Central Park on Saturday evenings and Placerita Junior High on Sunday’s. There are some games that will be played at various sites around the Valley
Upper divisions (16U – 19U) play most of their matches on Saturday evenings at Central Park or Sunday’s at Placerita Junior High. There will also be some matches held at various sites in the Valley. This schedule is set so it does not conflict with CIF as a large amount of these players are participating in local High School soccer programs. The High School season and the Region’s season must be separate.
Picture Day for the Fall 2021 season is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 18th. Your Coach and/or Team Parent will be advised in advance of exact time, date, and location for Team and Individual Pictures.
Hopefully you!! We need Coach Volunteers! If you are interested in becoming a Coach, we will provide the necessary training free of charge. Want more information, ask us – Go to the Board page and locate the age appropriate Division Coordinator. Besides the priceless time with your child that being a Coach brings, you also get to choose when and where your team practices to ensure that practice times don’t conflict with your busy schedule. No prior coaching experience is necessary.
In the event that you can’t coach, your child will be placed on a team at random with a qualified/certified Coach.
Coaches are given team rosters in early August. Most coaches contact their players thereafter, but some are unable to do so until mid/late August due to vacation or other commitments. Please keep in mind that schools often don’t start until after August 16th, so some teams begin practice that week. Don’t be alarmed by that though. Your team and players will not be behind the curve once the season begins. If you haven’t heard from your coach by the 3rd week of August, please contact us. Go to the Board page and locate the age appropriate Division Coordinator.
For Competitive Divisions – 10U thru 14U, the teams are determined by a blind draw, and balanced by age and ability. One of AYSO’s philosophies is balanced teams. There are no “picks”, except for the Head Coaches own children. In the Non-Competitive Divisions, we limit the number of picks to two per team in the 5U and 6U Divisions only. This helps maintain team balance.
Please download the Drop Request Form
Players, coaches, parents and spectators of Region 678 are expected to act with highest degree decorum, sportsmanship, and respect for others, including volunteer referees both adult and youth. This means that all comments directed to your child or other children are to be made in a positive manner. Derogatory remarks, abusive language, intimidating behavior and threats will not be tolerated. Any child or adult who behaves in a manner inconsistent with this policy may be asked to leave the field and is subject to removal from the program. Any acts of physical violence directed against any official in the program WILL result in immediate removal from the program and possible criminal charges.