Extra Program

EXTRA tryouts for the 2020 season will be held from March 9th thru March 13th. Tryouts are open to all players from birth year 2012 thru 2007. For more information and to reserve your tryout space, please preregister by clicking HERE
What is AYSO Extra?
AYSO EXTRA is a soccer program geared to those players and families who want a higher level of competition and training, while still enjoying the guidelines provided under the umbrella of AYSO. EXTRA teams will play against other EXTRA teams within AYSO Section 10. EXTRA teams will be formed by participating Regions within Area 10S (along with teams from other Areas in Section 10). The Extra teams will play each other during the traditional season and will have playoffs at the end of the season, the winner of the playoffs will represent Section 10 at the Western States Championship. Please keep in mind that the Extra program will run separate from the regular season schedule and Extra players will not be eligible for regional All-Stars play.
Which Divisions Will Have Teams?
The number of teams and age divisions will differ from Region to Region. Our Board has approved the Extra Program with a team in each division for Girls and Boys: 9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, and 14U.
How Will Players Be Chosen for the Extra Program?
Players who are interested in playing on an Extra team will need to attend tryouts for the respective age divisions. The players will be selected by a team of evaluators during these tryouts.
Which Players are Eligible to Participate in the Extra Team Tryouts/Selection Process?
Any player can participate in the Extra tryout sessions as long as they are of the appropriate age for the division they are trying out for.
What Does it Cost?
The current fee for the Extra program is $375.00 which includes: AYSO player registration, a uniform package, practice shirt(s), professional team training package (up to 8 sessions), individual & team photo package, game and practice field permits, registrar & administrative fees, player insurance, league and State Cup tournament fee (if team qualifies). Coaches are strictly unpaid volunteers.